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All episodes of "20-Somethings Doing Nothing" are available on iHeartRadio, iTunes Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, or the Megaphone player below.
New episodes every Thursday!
Who The Hell is this?
I'm Ricki and I am your ridiculous host, with the adorable (somewhat obnoxious) laugh. I am a fellow 20-Something just trying to make it through this next decade without completely failing. Can I get an "amen"?
I eat too much, drink too much and swear WAY too much. Believe it or not, those are my best qualities. I tend to get myself into some interesting situations and often times hear my inner voice scolding me for being a completely disastrous being. After being told multiple times how much my life stories make others feel better about themselves, I figured I would take my talents to the podcasting world in hopes to make everyone feel better about themselves. You're welcome, bitches.
Check out our youtube channel
Yeah, that’s right. We also have a YouTube Channel filled with all the same ridiculousness as the podcast!
Click here for the link to the full channel.
(AND make sure you click subscribe while you’re there.)
Hot Mess Express
CHOO CHOOOOOO!!!! All aboard the hot mess express!
Every week we go through your stories of the messed up sh!t that happens to you and we choose the craziest one to be the conductor of the hot mess express.
Submit the form below with your HOT MESS story!